Summer has flown by and we are back into a normal school routine. I’ve been tidying up around the house and I’ve been hoping to get a few things organized on the blog too.
It’s only been a few months, but some of my content from last year is already getting buried in the archives, so…
I’ve add a new tutorial page to my site to help you find my projects more easily!

You can still use the search button at the bottom of the sidebar to find anything I’ve posted, but now new readers can see all of the older content in one place.
Current projects include full sewing tutorials for totes and bags, embroidery projects, simple pattern modifications, quilting tutorials, tips for using your tools correctly, and tutorials to improve your sewing technique.
I’ll be adding new tutorials as I write them, so you can bookmark the page and come back to it later.
What other kinds of projects and tutorials would you like to see from me?